Term & conditions



Copyright © 2012\3 by SEESHINE , 
All rights reserved.

Notices and Disclaimers

The various pages, artwork and images published on the Internet by SEESHINE, Incorporated are protected by the various trademarks and copyrights of the companies contributing to this site. It is unlawful to copy, redistribute, and/or republish certain information without the expressed prior written consent of the owners and holders of the trademark and copyrights.
The photographs, images and illustrations on this site are for illustrative purposes only and may not be entirely accurate to our products at all times.
SESHINE  is not responsible for the accuracy or correctness of the content of the material provided to SEESHINE, Incorporated by third party contributors.
SEESHINE provides Internet links to other remote sites.S's employees, consultants, and agents are not responsible for the content or availability of these sites.
LDPI, Incorporated is not responsible for any activity that might be considered to be an illegal and/or improper use of the Internet.


SEESHINE® is a Registered Trademark of SEESHINE, Incorporated.
Names of companies and/or products mentioned in this site are trademarks of their respective owners.